Saturday, November 18, 2006

How can you create HTML links?

1. Create a link to a site

Suppose we have text like below.

“If you want to download yahoo messenger please click here”.

Suppose you want to make the word “click” link to Then do like this.

Place <A> tag before CLICK and </A> tag after CLICK like this in the above sentence.

If you want to download yahoo messenger please <A>click</A> here.

Next in the <A> tag place the HREF attribute like this.

If you want to download yahoo messenger please
<A HREF=“” >click</A> here.

So we have create a link to yahoo messenger site.

2. Create a link to a page located in your computer.

If suppose you have “sai.html” document located in your computer.If you want to create a link to it then do like this

<A HREF=“sai.html” >sai</A>

3. Create a link to your e-mail address.

If suppose your e-mail address is then you will create a link to your e-mail address like this.
<A HREF=“” >e-mail me</A>

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