Most of them started playing Dos games like Prince,Mario etc., at the beginning. After that they started playing Roadrash,Claw,Cricket 2000,NFS 2 Special edition,Tarzan the action game,Age of empires,Midtown madness,Commandos behind enemy lines,Frogger2,GTA 2,Maxpaynee etc.
In holidays all of the children spent their time in playing above games. They spent lot of time in playing Roadrash,Claw,NFS 2,Age of empires,Maxpaynee. Many of them played NFS 2 Se in double player mode. But out of the above children some are attracted to GTA 2. They not only played the above games but also spent lot of time in playing GTA 2.
In 2002 GTA 3 released. Then all the children attracted to GTA 3. Not only GTA 2 fans but also all the children attracted to GTA 3. In holidays they spent most of their leisure time in playing GTA 3. Ofcourse they spent some time in playing other Action games,First person shooter games,Racing games,Cricket 2002 released at that time.
In 2003 GTA Vice city released. At that time kids of age between 6 to 10 are also attracted to Vice City game. In holidays they used to play Vice City game regularly. At that time the younger brothers of these kids are watching the game while their elder brothers are playing.
In 2005 GTA Sanandreas released. From 2005 all the children of age 4 and above are also playing GTA Sanandreas.
Have these children really understood the game?
Are these children playing the game missions wise?
Why these kids are attracting to GTA series Games?
For getting answers to the above questions I have observed those kids and children while they are playing.
The elder children understood the game and they are playing Missions wise. But all the children are playing the game using cheats.
What about kids & Younger children?
These guys really did not understand the game. Also they are not playing the game missions wise. These kids & younger children learnt cheats from their elder brothers then playing the game.
The kids are enjoying the game by get in a car and take a ride on the streets of Sanandreas. With the help of cheats the kids are getting different vehicles,different weapons etc., They simply use those weapons & vehicles and enjoying the game.
In Vice City kids are using the following cheats most frequently.
While playing the game they are typing PANZER then a tank is coming into the game. With that tanker they are going on the streets of vice city and blowing everything.
While playing the game they are typing GETTHEREAMAZINGLYFAST then they are getting the fastest car. Then they are typing another cheat COMEFLYWITHME then car is flying in the air like this.
Next they are enjoying by riding vehicles on the streets like this.
In Sanandreas kids are using the following cheats most frequently.
They are typing ROCKETMAN cheat then flying with jet pack like this.
They are typing JUMPJET cheat then aeroplane is coming. With the aeroplane they are flying over the city and blasting everything on the streets.
Then they are typing MONSTERMASH cheat then a small car like below comes. Then they are wondering on the streets of Sanandreas with that car.
Not only the above cheats,they are using so many cheats.
Not only kids,children but also college students are also playing these GTA series games in their leisure time. College students are also playing Cricket 2005,Action&First person shooter games,Wrestling games but they are spending most of their leisure time in playing GTA Series games.
Now All of these Kids,Children,College Students are waiting eagerly for PC versions of GTA Liberty City Stories,GTA Vice city Stories and GTA 4.