Monday, July 09, 2007

Sony's 80 GB PS3 model will be available in August

Sony's new PS3 will be available in August of 2007. This 80 GB PS3 model will include a free copy of MotorStorm. This will be available for 599 dollars. Sony lowered the current model 60 GB PS3 price to 499 dollars from 599 dollars. This price cut will be effective immediately in North America.

How to bypass “Check online for a solution later and close the Program” message in Windows Vista?

Some Programs may not work if Windows Vista Problem Reports and Solutions is turned on. If you try to run a program you will encounter the following message.

Check online for a solution later and close the Program

If you encounter the above message for a program then first simply uninstall the program. Now Freshly install the Program. Do not run the program at present.

Now turn off Windows Vista problem Reports and Solutions feature as explained below.

Open Control Panel. Then click System and Maintenance. Now click Problem Reports and Solutions. Now click Change Settings. Now click Advanced Settings. Now select Off button, Remove the tick mark at Automatically send more information, and add the exe file of the problematic Program to the block list then click O.K. Again click O.K.

Now run the Program. Now you won't encounter Check Online for a solution later and close the Program problem.