Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Download HWINFO32, a powerful System Information Tool

This is a professional hardware information and diagnostic tool supporting latest components, industry technologies and standards. This tool recognize and extract the most possible amount of information about computer's hardware. This information is very useful for users searching for driver updates, computer manufactures, system integrators and technical experts.

This is a shareware (14 day free trial). This supports Windows NT/2000/XP/Server 2003 (32/64-bit), Windows 9X/Me.

With the help of this tool we can know about complete details of our Processor,Harddisk,RAM,Motherboard,BIOS,AGP card,LAN card,Monitor,Floppy drives,CD drives,Keyboard,Mouse,Sound card and any Hardware component. This tool even tells about the serial No of our hard disk also.

If you own a Licensed copy then you can save your complete hard ware information in Text, CSV and XML report formats.

Download HWINFO32

Format Floppy with Format144b2 utility

Format144b2 utility is used to unconditionally format standard 1.44 MB floppies under Windows. This is just 12 kb file.

This utility formats all types of floppies successfully. Some times we will get the following messages when we are accessing the Floppy.

This utility will format above type of Floppies also(About 50 percent of this type of Floppies will work after reformatting them with this utility).

Download Format144b2