Go to CMOS settings and select first boot device as CD Rom. I already explained about this in my previous article How to Format the hardDisk.
So after selecting the first boot device as CD Rom,keep the WIN NT C.D in CD Drive and restart the computer. System will boot from C.D and setup starts by loading files from the C.D. After some time Welcome to set up screen comes. Just press enter. Again it will give message like this: Setup has recognized the following mass storage devices in your computer. Just press enter. Again press enter to continue. Now press Pg Dn key for going to down of screen then read license agreement,then press F8 for agreeing rules and conditions. Then setup lists hardware and Software components in your system. Just press enter. Now setup shows existing partitions and spaces available for creating new partitions. Select your partition in which you want to install Win NT then press enter. Next select Leave the current file system intact then press enter(If you want to install only Win NT then you can convert the file system to NTFS here). Again press enter. Again press enter. Then setup will copy files from C.D. After some time press enter to restart the computer when it is prompted to restart the system.
After some installation click next to continue. Then it will ask name,organization details. Enter those details and click next. Enter the CD key information and click next. Then select Per Server Licensing mode and choose concurrent connections as per your requirement then click next. Type computer name and click next. Select Primary domain controller and click next. Type the password then click next. Then it will ask Do you want to create emergency repair disk?. Select NO and click next. Again click next. Again click next. Tick Wired to network options then click next. Tick off Install Microsoft IIS then click next. Then put network adaptor driver diskette in floppy drive and select search from list. Next click Have Disk then type A:\ then click O.K. Then system will show network card software from the floppy. Just click O.k. Then click next. Select TCP/IP protocol. Then click next. Again click next. Again click next. Then system will install network card software. Then it displays: Do you wish to use DHCP? Select NO. Then specify an IP Address,Subnet mask,default Gateway and click APPLY next click O.k. Again click next. Again click next. Then type the Domain name as you wish then click next. Click Finish. Select Time Zone as you wish then click close. Click O.K. At display properties click TEST. Then click O.K. It will display Did you see the test Bitmap properly? Now click YES and click O.K. Again click O.K. After setup is completed then click Restart the Computer. Now you completed windows nt server 4.0 installation.
IMP NOTE: Before installing Display Driver install WIN NT Service pack 6 First. After that install display driver.
For Win98/Win NT dual boot, first install win98 in C drive. Then at the time of Windows NT Server 4.0 installation select D drive for installing Win NT Server 4.0.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Windows NT Server 4.0 installation
How to format Hard disk for installing Win NT Server 4.0?
Windows NT supports only FAT 16 and NTFS File system. So you have to format the hard disk using the FAT 16 file system. For that you need MS Dos Boot Diskette(First Floppy of DOS) and Disk Manager software floppy(DM V 9.46).
At first in CMOS settings select first boot device as Floppy. So after selecting first boot device as Floppy then keep the MS Dos Boot Disk in floppy drive then start the computer. The system will boot from MS Dos boot diskette and it comes to A prompt A:\> Then insert Disk manager diskette in floppy drive then run DM from the prompt. If you are installing Seagate harddisk then run DM at the prompt. If you are installing other than Seagate harddisk then run Dm/x at the prompt like this.
First at the A prompt,with the help of CD command change directory to DM like this.
A:\>CD DM then press enter. Then you will change to DM directory like this.
A:\DM> Now type like this if you are installing a disk other than Seagate.
A:\DM>dm/x then press enter(if your disk is Seagate then type dm only instead of dm/x). Now Welcome to disk manager window comes. Just press enter. Again press any key to continue. Then it will display Have you already run the Discwizard software YES or NO. Choose No then press enter.
Now in disk manager main menu select Advanced Options then press enter. Now select Advanced Disk Installation then press enter. Now it will display Diskmanager found 1 drive YES or NO. Select YES then press enter. Now select Dos/Windows 3.1x then press enter. If it gives message like Do you want to use the ONTRACKED.SYS partitions drives? then choose YES then press enter. Now select Define your own then press enter. Suppose If you use 10 GB hard disk then give first partition size as 2147 MB then press enter. Give second partition size also as 2147 MB then press enter. Give third partition size also as 2147 MB then press enter. Give the remaining space as fourth partition then press enter. Now select Save And Continue then press enter. Now press ALT-C to continue. Then select Fast Format and press enter. It will give warning message then select YES and press enter. Then it will begin formating the hard disk and after sometime it asks Dos Boot Diskette. So insert Ms Dos Boot Disk in drive then press enter. Then it will copy files from boot disk,after sometime it will again ask Disk manager Diskette. So insert Disk Manager diskette in drive and press enter. Then it will complete the harddisk partitions. Again press enter. It will display like this. If you will be installing Dos 6.x,it will over write your present Config.sys file now press any key to continue. It will give another message,now again press any key to continue. Now it will give message Disk manager hard disk installation has successfully completed.
Now remove disk manager diskette from drive A then press Control-Alt-Del. Then system will restart and ask enter new date. So enter date in this format MM-DD-YY(11-24-2006) and press enter. Then enter time in this format Hr:Min:Sec(3:27:32) and press enter. Then it will come to C prompt.
Now for installing CD Drive driver,put the driver floppy in drive then at C prompt type like this.
C:\>A: then press enter. Now it will come to A prompt. If your CD Drive is Samsung then at A prompt type like this.
A:\>CDSETUP press enter. Then it will show CD Rom device driver setup just press enter. Then it will install driver. Press enter after setup is completed. Then it will come to C prompt. Now restart the system. If you formatted your harddisk with C,D,E,F partitions,then CD Drive letter will become G.
Now at C prompt type like this.
C:>G: press enter. But it gives message like this:Invalid Drive Specification. It won't detect CD Drive with a letter. So do like this. Keep Dos Boot Diskette in floppy drive. Then at command prompt type like this.
C:\>path A: and press enter. Next at C prompt type like this.
C:\>EDIT CONFIG.SYS then press enter. Then MS Dos editor will open. With the help of down arrow put the cursor below the screen then type
Then go to file menu and select save then exit from file menu. Now remove the diskette and reboot the system. Now it will detect CD Drive with letter G.
Now your Hard Disk is ready for installing WINDOWS NT SERVER 4.0. Since the disk is formatted in FAT 16 Format you can install Win 98 in C drive and Windows NT Server 4.0 in D drive as dual boot.