Saturday, October 14, 2006

Update your NVIDIA Geforce Drivers

Latest games wont run on your pc if you are still using the old nvidia drivers that came bundled with Geforce 3D card. Frequently they are releasing new nvidia drivers. You have to download that drivers and install those drivers for all latest games to work properly on your system.

Go to the Nvidia site. Click download drivers tab.Click graphics driver. Then in next column you will find 4 options.Geforce and TNT2,Geforce Go 7 series,Quadro,Riva 128/128ZX. Select the option relavant to your card. Then in the next column select the Operating system then click GO button. Then this will take you to forceware driver section. Download your latest driver from the link given in that page.

Before installing new drivers make sure you uninstall all NVIDIA display drivers from the Windows Control Panel. Browse to the Start Menu > Windows Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs and search for “NVIDIA Windows Display Drivers” or “NVIDIA Display Drivers” and select remove.

Do not run virus protection software in the background while installing the drivers. This prevents the driver from configuring itself properly.

Download nvidia latest drivers

Software Developer: Nvidia

Windows Live Messenger

With new Windows live messenger we can make PC to PC calls.

By selecting Call a Contact's Computer you can easily make PC to PC calls. It is free.

We can do better Video conversations with new Windows live messenger. We can get fullscreen Live Video(600x480).

We can play games online with your contacts with the help of new Windows live messenger.

We can create a sharing folder with new Windows live messenger. We can store files and images in the sharing folder. At any time you and your cintact can get to the files,images in the folder even if one of you is offline.

We can send winks to our contacts by selecting mywinks from tools menu. We can select variety of emoticons in windows live messenger.

We can get live news from the new Windows Live Messenger. We can talk to our yahoo friends with this new Windows Live Messenger.

Download Windows Live messenger

Software Developer: Microsoft

Disc Wizard Starter Edition V 10.45.06(DM 10.45.06)

Disc wizard is a software which makes partitions of large drives easily. This is used for formatting Seagate hard disks only. When we purchase Seagate hard disks then we can get this program bundled with Seagate hard disks. This software makes NTFS,FAT 32 and FAT 16 partitions for Windows XP/2000/Me/98.

Disc wizard analyzes the system and it identifies O.S version, type and speed of processor,System BIOS capabilities,existing hard disk model etc. It uses this information to guide the user during the installation process. It has advanced partitioning features and it can easily make partitions of large drives. Disc wizard starter edition requires atleast 800x600 resolution.

For installation and other details, For DWSE diskette creator file visit the following site

Download Disc Wizard Starter Edition

Software Developer: Seagate

Adobe Reader 8 for Windows XP

Adobe reader is a software which can open,view,search and print Adobe PDF(Portable Document Format) files. Adobe reader can not create a PDF File. Only Adobe Acrobat Reader and Adobe Live Cycle Software can create PDF Files. These two softwares are not free. We have to buy them. But Adobe Reader is a free software available on the Adobe website. You can download it.

We can not edit a PDF file using Adobe Reader. However we can perform some edit like functions with adobe reader if the author has enabled these functions using adobe acrobat 7.0 professional. We can perform highlight text,add comments etc., edit like functions using adobe reader.

We can read digital editions using adobe reader.Adobe reader can save a wide range of files attached to PDF documents.

Adobe Reader 8.0 is supported by Windows 2000 with Service Pack 2, Windows XP Professional or Home Edition, or Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, Mac OS X v.10.2.8 or 10.3, Palm OS 3.0 (or later) and Pocket PC 2002 or 2003 platforms for handheld devices, Symbian OS, Linux, AIX, HP/UX, and Solaris.

Download Adobe reader 8

Software Developer: Adobe

Microsoft .NET Framework Version 1.1 Redistributable Package

The Microsoft .NET Framework is a software component which can be added to the Microsoft Windows operating system. This .NET framework is very useful for software developers. This .net framewok brings features and responsibilities into the operating system. Previously those features and responsibilities had been provided individually by programming languages and tools from various sources.

The inclusion of these features into operating system offers so many advantages like reducing the complexity and limitations of program to program communication,providing to programmers a common means of accessing framework features,availability of frame work features to all programs written in any of the .net languages and many more.

.Net framework 1.0 is the initial .net framework. .Net framework 1.1 is the first major upgrade to 1.0. This is included as part of windows server 2003. Framework 1.1 version has built in support for mobile ASP.NET,built in support for ODBC and Oracle databases. It supports Internet protocol version 6.

Download Microsoft.Netframework 1.1

Software Developer: Microsoft

Update Your ATI Radeon Drivers

Latest games wont run on your pc if you are still using the old ATI Radeon catalyst drivers that came bundled with ATI Radeon 3D card. Frequently they are releasing new catalyst drivers. You have to download that drivers and install those drivers for all latest games to work properly on your system.

First goto Then

Click Drivers and Software
Select your operating system
Select your product

Now download both Microsoft.Net Framework and Catalyst Control Center Package. Display and WDM Drivers included in Catalyst Control Center Package.The CATALYST Control Center requires Microsoft .NET Framework prior to installation. After installation of Microsoft.NET Framework you have to install install Catalyst Control Center Package.

But before installing new drivers you have to uninstall old ati radeon drivers. Remove the drivers like below.

Click start button then control panel then click add remove programs. You will see several ATI entries. Select the entry ATI Software Uninstall Utility and click Change/Remove. Once the uninstall is complete restart the system. Again check add remove programs for any remaining ATI software. If any ATI software is found simply uninstall it. Please uninstall all ATI software entries. Next in the add remove programs select DAO and uninstall that program. Now your entire uninstallation is complete.

Now first install Microsoft.NET Framework then install Catalyst Control Center Package.

Download Radeon or All In Wonder Drivers

Software Developer: Ati