Windows Live Hotmail is the next generation of MSN Hotmail. Windows Live Hotmail brings you 2GB space, improved spam protection. It identfies suspicious email by color coded safety bar. It scans every incoming email and attachment automatically for viruses. You can send attachments of size upto 10 MB now. Lot of Themes are available in new hotmail. You get the themes from Options tab. You can change the color of the window as you like with themes. You can change your Inbox view to an advanced view. In Advanced View, you can preview email message without opening it. See the screenshot below.
In Advanced View on the left you have check mail, Contacts etc. In the middle of the window you have your messages. If you select any message then preview of the message will appear to the right side of the window as shown above in the figure.
If you donot like the Advanced View then you can switch back to traditional Inbox view by clicking Switch To Classic button on the left side of the window. Also you can switch back to MSN Hotmail easily. Simply click the Options tab. In that window you will observe Switch To Hotmail link.
Update your Hotmail account to New Hotmail is the web address of new Hotmail site.